In my unending quest to be Different From How I Am[1], one of the things I've been focused on lately is the health of my fingernails. Mine are weak and delaminate at the ends, soaking up water at abnormal rates[2] and breaking their tenuous bonds with themselves.
Anyway, I've gotten much better at caring for my nails in general but still find them weak, so now I am looking at whether I indeed should try a strengthener. I hop on the ol' internet and read some product reviews, as one does.
One review-- and this is the entire reason for this entry -- mentioned initial gains but said it quit working for them. The writer then went on to say that instead they now take collagen powder once a day instead and within TEN DAYS their nails were stronger. Now, I'm no fingernail scientist, but that seems not possible. Unless they have fingernails that grown supernaturally fast, ten days doesn't give them time to make a difference. Ten days is only (on average) about a millimeter of growth, right?[3]
If the reviewer has indeed had their nails grown out long enough in ten days to notice how much stronger they are from using collagen, they really buried the lede. I think lots of people would love to know their secret to this kind of growth!
The reason I am griping about this here instead of just to my family (I still might) is just that they're currently hunkered down due to a hurricane and this seems a little too trivial.
[1] More charitably, the quest to determine what things about me and my body are within my control
[2] Just like the rest of me, perpetually parched
[3] According to Healthline
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